Meet our team

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Paige Yeung ’25

Paige is a senior who enjoys working on problems in dynamical systems and applied analysis, particularly those inspired by geometric patterns in physics and ecology. Outside of math, she enjoys running and exploring new trails and has taken up cycling as a hobby ever since spending a summer in the Netherlands.

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Serena An ’26
Mentorship Chair
Serena is a junior in course 18. Before MIT, she took a gap year to study abroad in South Korea and founded the Brookings Math Circle to address the lack of math resources in her town in South Dakota. Having lived on Beast in East Campus last year, she is now Paige’s neighbor in MacGregor. In her free time, she enjoys cooking, going on walks, and teaching friends how to play Nertz.

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Ashley Zhang ’26
Ashley is a junior majoring in Mathematics and Computer Science. So far, her favorite math classes at MIT have been algebra-related. Outside of mathematics, she likes to run, play cello, draw, and do crosswords.

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Rachael Cai ’26
Outreach Chair
Rachael is a junior who loves discrete math and game theory. She also enjoys watching horror movies, writing, and painting.

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Erin Kim ’26
Corporate Relations Chair
Erin is a junior majoring in 6-4 and perhaps 18. In high school, she helped organize math competitions in Integirls Detroit for middle school girls. Her hobbies include watching kdramas and taking walks to Boston.

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